Father of Father
Mother of Father
Father of Mother
Mother of Mother
Name of Father
Name of Mother
Brother of Father
Qazi Muhammad Hanif Farooqui
Qazi Muqeemuddin Farooqui

Sister of Father
Bibi Shams un Nisan
Brother of Mother

Sister of Mother
Person Name
Qazi Abdul Rauf Farooqui
Qazi Bahauddin Farooqui
Qazi Faizuddin Farooqui
Qazi Latifuddin Farooqui

Ashrafun Nisan
Halimun Nisan
Nazeerun Nisan
Abdul Bashir
Qazi Abdul Aziz Farooqui
Qazi Abdul Bashir Farooqui
Qazi Abdul Majeet Farooqui

Amtul Hafeez